As Edwin Roy I want the player to gain the power of the bosses he has defeated so that I can enjoy getting stronger.
Estimated Time = 2Hrs
Acceptance Criteria 1 : Player gains death power from killing death
Acceptance Criteria 2 : Player gains famines power from killing famine
Status = Adam - Complete
As Sarah Lucas I want the menus to be very simple so that I don't overexert myself trying to navigate them. Estimated Time = 2hrs
Acceptance Criteria 1: Timed title splash screen at the beginning.
Acceptance Criteria 2: Timed high-score screen shown after the victory screen which uses the date that the score was achieved instead of initials.
Acceptance Criteria 3: Game over screen when player dies.
Acceptance Criteria 4: Victory screen when player wins.
Status - Adam
As Adrian Wilkinson I want it to be a greater challenge to gain access to fight the final boss so that it feels like more of a triumph.
Estimated Time = 4 Hrs
Acceptance Criteria 1 : 16 group points
Acceptance Criteria 2 : Other bosses must be defeated
Acceptance Criteria 3 : enemies spawn on group points
Acceptance Criteria 4 : 50% of enemies killed to summon boss
Acceptance Criteria 5 : Conquest created with correct AI/behavior and spawns after enough enemies are defeated outside the castle.
Status = Adam