Here are the 2 scenes
1. As Edwin Roy i want there to be several groups of enemies around the fort so that i have something to fight.
Estimated Time = 4 Hrs
Acceptance Criteria 1 : Enemies patrol within 15 units group point
Acceptance Criteria 2 : If the group point has room it should allocate enemies to itself
Acceptance Criteria 3 : Enemies will change direction when collides with objects
Status = Accepted
Here you can see the screen shots of the enemy movement and group point code
2. As Edwin Roy i want the enemies to only respond to me when i am close to them so that i do not get overwhelmed
Estimated Time = 2 Hrs
Acceptance Criteria 1 : Enemies check players distance from them
Status = Accepted
here are screen shots of the alert radius code
3. As Sarah Lucas I want to be able to pause the game so that I can rest when in pain from over-exertion.
Estimated Time = 2 Hrs
Acceptance Criteria 1 : All animations must stop
Acceptance Criteria 2 : All animations states must be saved
Acceptance Criteria 3 : Collision processing must stop
Acceptance Criteria 4 : AI must stop
Status = Accepted
Here is a screen shot of the code used to pause the game